Genuine expertise in malicious risks

We work in partnership with our clients to understand and manage complex malicious risks. Developing long term relationships to build capability and resilience.

We build an understanding of your issues always focusing on your people, your assets and your reputation. We start with comprehensive and robust data, apply the advanced skills and knowledge of our team of experts and, using technology, deliver structured and comprehensive mitigation strategies.

CHC Global is the commercial partner for the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland. Working with our partners at START, we are able to leverage high quality academic research on asymmetric threats, and proprietary data sets including the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) into our work.

How we work


We are innovative in our approach. Leveraging our deep and broad expertise, we seek to offer solutions that are both effective and efficient. We employ new technologies where appropriate, as well as seeking novel methods to exploit tried and tested approaches.


We recognise that modern life is complex. Mass transport, instant communications and big data are changing lives and environments at a frightening pace. As a niche provider, we have the ability to react to dynamic conditions and are confident to work with limited information. We can respond rapidly and globally, but continue to provide a bespoke and personalised service.


We are committed to long term relationships with our clients. Building impactful products and services and conducting business with integrity, rigor and to the highest standard, we provide confidence to our clients in troubled times.
1. Terrorism & Political Violence
Our advisors are subject matter experts in the fields of explosive devices, chemical biological radiological nuclear (CBRN) weapons, counter terrorism operations and terrorism academia. We provide strategic advice and insight on the changing nature of the threats, potential loss scenarios and insurance market trends; with a flexible approach, our solutions tend to fall into three broad areas: peril insight, probable maximum loss (PML) studies and portfolio analysis.
2. Kidnap Ransom & Extortion
Working alongside our insurance partners, we provide specialist support to clients exposed to a range of malicious acts including kidnap, ransom and extortion.
3. Cyber
Working with our technical partners, we integrate cyber risk assessment into an overall assessment of malicious threats, vulnerabilities, and risks. Importantly, this allows all security risk to be integrated in a seamless way into the risk register. We have particular experience of looking at the intersection between the cyber and physical to determine risks associated with industrial control systems and other areas where there is a blurring of the cyber and physical domains.

malicious risk Advice

1. Security Governance
Having worked with many of the world’s leading companies, we are equipped to design, maintain and audit corporate security policies, structures, and outcomes.
2. Crisis Management Preparation
We have significant experience of building crisis capacity in organisations. This can include the development of policies and plans from first principles, or rehearsing existing arrangements.
3. Business Continuity Management
As well as the ability to design and implement BCM arrangements for organisations with unusual exposures, we are often asked to help develop specific malicious risk assessments to contribute to a wider BCM strategy. We also have experience of designing innovative response and recovery strategies, including those relating to chemical, biological and radiological hazards.

Resilience Consulting

Get in touch

    If you are an existing client with an emergency, please call the 24/7 number on your policy documents.