Setting the standard

CHC Global provides a home for the world’s leading malicious risk advisors; fiercely independent we are driven by a shared ethos to protect those in danger from “bad people doing bad things”.

We work with integrity and discretion and are guided by our inherent respect and loyalty to each other and to our clients; always recognising the critical importance  and sensitivity of the work that we do.


Chief Executive’s Office

Chris Holt

Chris Holt MBE

Chief Executive

Chris Holt is the founder and Chief Executive of CHC Global, having established the business in 2016. He is highly regarded in the Lloyd’s Insurance Market and has a reputation for “playing with a straight bat”. He is widely recognised for his work in terrorism, political violence, kidnap for ransom, cyber and extortion, from both an insurance and advisory perspective.

Chris has an unfaltering energy for this unique sector and believes that success lies with talented people and nimble technology. Chris has led the development of a number of award-winning insurance technology platforms, and he builds on this knowledge and experience to propel the CHC group forward.

Anyone who has been in Chris’s company will know how much people matter to him, be that his team, his clients or his contacts. A naturally charismatic leader, his team works shoulder to shoulder to realise CHC’s ambitions, upholding his values and always with the positive energy that comes simply working as part of a great team.

Previous experience and interests: Chris spent 10 years in the Royal Engineers and joined the Lloyd’s insurance market in 2008. He is a strong supporter of veterans’ charities including the Lloyd’s and City of London branch of the Royal British Legion. Chris was appointed MBE in 2004 for services to Bomb Disposal.

Sally Seaman

Sally Seaman

Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant, Sally Seaman, joined CHC in 2020 and works alongside Chris Holt and the CHC Board. She supports the leadership team in the running of the business and ensures effective and efficient access to the CEO and board of directors.

Sally is held in high esteem by both her colleagues and peers, who call out her outstanding professionalism and intelligent approach. 22 years’ service in the Royal Navy have brought huge depth and breadth to her life experience; her assimilation of knowledge and understanding of threat and risk are founded on a solid professional background. Sally always faces the most challenging or difficult scenarios with a clear plan and a composed approach.

Previous experience and interests: During her time in the Royal Navy Sally was located in the UK and also overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. Following her military career, Sally undertook roles in commercial organisations before taking a four-year sabbatical to accompany her husband on a military posting to California.

Advisory Team

Jerry Smith OBE

Jerry Smith OBE

Senior Partner & Head of Advisory

Jerry heads up the CHC Advisory business, working with the insurance industry, blue chip companies, national governments, supra-national organisations and international NGOs.

Jerry is recognised globally as one of the leading experts in chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive materials (CBRNE) and advises CHC clients on risk management, crisis response and operational resilience projects.

Jerry has over 30 years’ experience within the British Army, UK Civil Service and the United Nations, as well as the private sector; he has worked in over 40 countries on four continents. He was the Head of Operations for the verification, disablement and initial removal of Syria’s declared chemical weapons’ arsenal, was a senior advisor to the United Nations and a Director in the international chemical watchdog, the OPCW.

Jerry is very considered in his approach and always takes time to gain a deep understanding of his clients’ needs and concerns. He is methodical and rigorous in how he tackles each and every project, is straight-forward in approach, never over-complicating issues and always communicates in a jargon-free way.

Previous experience and interests: Jerry holds an MBA and BEng (Hons) from Cardiff University. He also holds a post-graduate diploma in Weapon Effects on Structures and is a member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers. He is a visiting fellow at Cranfield University. He is an author, interviewee and consultant for BBC, CNN, CBS and SKY as well as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Foreign Policy Magazine and The Guardian. Jerry is a trustee of ServeOn, an international natural disaster response charity. In 2015 he was awarded an OBE for services to international arms control and WMD counter-proliferation.

Richard Harris-Deans

Richard Harris-Deans

Partner & Director of Advisory

Richard joined CHC in 2020, working on the advisory side of the business alongside Jerry Smith. Richard project manages and oversees the work of the department as well as advising clients on their exposure to terrorism and political violence.

Richard effortlessly grasps the complexities of our projects and his deep analytical capability means he approaches his work through a macro and a micro lens; he has a remarkable ability to identify and draw together the smallest of facts which on their own are inconsequential but collectively could have a considerable impact. Richard is familiar with decision making at a national and global level and brings a unique perspective to our work at CHC.

Previous experience and interests: Prior to joining CHC Global, Richard spent 13 years working for the British Government at the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.  He focussed on national security issues including geopolitical developments and strategic threats, including terrorism, nuclear proliferation and the actions of hostile nation states.

Ben Hawkins

Ben Hawkins

Partner & Director of Advisory

Ben joined CHC Global in September 2021, working within the Advisory Team. A chartered engineer, with degrees in Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Battlespace Technology, Ben is a keen advocate for technology and innovation. He also holds a Certificate in Terrorism Studies from the University of St Andrews and is a Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

At home in the most demanding and high- threat environments, Ben is expert at quantifying, qualifying and managing perilous risks. He leverages this experience to deliver complex, technical projects to the most exacting of standards; always placing client success above all else and developing pragmatic solutions in an open and collaborative way.

Previous experience and interests: Previously a Royal Engineer Bomb Disposal Officer and Advanced Search Advisor, Ben commanded on operations in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cyprus and Canada; he has also supported the Home Office on UK Counter Terrorist operations. Ben led the development of a number of Counter Threat techniques, including the procurement of special projects equipment to mitigate the risk of Improvised Explosive Devices. In addition to his military experience, Ben has worked as a construction management consultant, supporting clients on multi-million pound construction programmes around the world.

Claudia Palmer

Project Coordinator

We set the bar high at CHC Global, both in terms of the quality of our outputs and the international standards we adhere to. An experienced project and proposal analyst, Claudia joined CHC in January 2022 as a Project Coordinator on our growing Advisory Team. Implementation of our quality management systems and processes, ensuring project due diligence, quality, time and budget management all fall under Claudia’s remit. In addition Claudia will be at the forefront of developing our project proposals ensuring rigorous checks and balances are in place in relation to setting budget, timeline and resource requirements ensuring our clients can be confident in the information presented to them. Complementing this, Claudia also works very closely with our 20+ project associates who, with a diverse range of experience and expertise, are routinely called on to provide input across our projects.

Previous experience and interests: Prior to joining CHC Global Claudia pursued a successful career managing projects for a health services provider

Alex Theodosiou

Senior Associate

A terrorism and insurgency specialist with an impressive back-book of experience, Alex joined CHC Global in 2021 as a Senior Associate within the Advisory Team. The depth of Alex’s knowledge is vast; after completing a BA in History and War Studies, Alex went on to secure an MA from the King’s College London War Studies Department. Following this Alex spent several years working as a researcher which has provided him with valuable insight into international terrorism, militant groups and threats right across the ideological spectrum; he has also covered counter-terrorism, counter-extremism and counter-insurgency issues. Building on this outstanding knowledge-base, Alex went on to hold several analyst roles at Janes Terrorism and Insurgency Centre before joining CHC.

Alex provides malicious risk intelligence across the Advisory Team, supporting clients’ risk management programmes, critical decision making and duty of care responsibilities. He also plays a key role undertaking qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) providing unique insights for our clients.

Previous experience and interests: Alex has a genuine interest and curiosity around international terrorism, political violence, extremist ideologies and terrorist financing; in addition to his research work he has published several articles and papers. He also has experience working in think tanks focused on radicalisation and extremism, including at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism in Washington DC.


Millie Brennan


Millie has an academic background in Politics & International Relations with a particular focus on terrorism, political violence and international conflict studies. Her undergraduate specialisms include Middle Eastern politics and US foreign policy, and her final postgraduate thesis focused on the role of women in violent extremist organisations. Millie will be supporting the Advisory Team in the analysis and dissemination of data and intelligence to inform clients on risk management and operational resilience.

Prior to joining CHC, Millie completed internships in commercial and corporate finance and held a project mobilisation position in the software industry. With a dual background in economics and international relations, she is equipped to handle complex data analysis and advise clients on intelligence-based conclusions within a global political context.

Previous experience and interests: Millie holds a Politics & International relations degree from the University of Cambridge and an MSc in Security Studies from UCL. She is constantly seeking to broaden her understanding of international affairs and is keen to apply her analytical skills to the insurance and risk advisory industry.

Broking Team

Kelly Crouch

Kelly Crouch

Partner & Head of Terrorism

Kelly Crouch joined CHC Global in September 2021 and is widely recognised as one of the leading, most experienced war and terrorism brokers in the world.

Kelly joined the insurance industry in 2003, specialising in political risk and political violence insurance. She has been extremely successful in developing products and has vast experience in account management and underwriter negotiation.

Known for her extensive knowledge and her client-centric approach, Kelly works very closely with her clients to understand their specific risk exposures and concerns and to structure appropriate and effective risk transfer solutions for them. She also uses her comprehensive claims experience and straightforward approach to negotiate and structure policies that will respond as and when expected.

Previous experience and interests: Kelly has previously held roles at Miller, JLT and Liberty. While at JLT Kelly was based in London, where she led the War & Terrorism team, and in Singapore, where she led the establishment of a regional corporate university programme and digital learning platform.  Kelly is passionate about people development and frequently seeks out new learning opportunities and experiences for both herself and those around her.

Henry Tuggey

Henry Tuggey

Partner & Head of Kidnap and Ransom

Henry joined the insurance industry in 2011 and is recognised as one of the most well-respected Kidnap and Ransom brokers in the London market.  He has an impressive knowledge of the most complex products and has an enviable network within the sector.

Henry knows intimately the fears, concerns and priorities of anyone facing hostility; he is familiar with the processes that need to be initiated and the challenges that need to be overcome in order to secure a positive outcome. Henry will advocate for his clients every step of the way and is extremely effective in representing their interests to the insurer and responder, often in the most challenging of circumstances.

Henry is always thorough and diligent, and his honesty is valued by clients and colleagues alike.

Previous experience and interests: Henry was a British Army Officer in the Rifles seeing service in Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. He has also held roles at Willis’ Special Contingency Risks and was the Head of Alert:24.

Lee Harrison

Lee Harrison


Lee spent many years in the Parachute Regiment and working as a defence contractor in some of the world’s most hostile environments. During this time Lee discovered an interest in financial services and went on to qualify as a financial advisor and a commercial insurance broker. Lee is in a very unique position when it comes to serving the defence and security sectors – outstanding product knowledge coupled with first-hand experience of the day to day worries and concerns of his clients.

Lee has a very deep technical knowledge and understands the nuances of the compliance and regulatory frameworks in which we operate. He is extremely well-skilled in assessing risk and this, coupled with his impressive network, means he is the go-to person when it comes to placing the more complex or unusual risks.

Previous experience and interests:  Lee was a British Army, Parachute Regiment soldier for over 14 years, a physical training instructor and member of the Red Devils Freefall team. He has worked in financial services since 2009, initially as an advisor within Sesame Bankhall network , moving into commercial insurance , both wholesale and retail with Towergate Wilson, Lockton and Regis Mutual Management.

Thea Grootenhuis

Thea Grootenhuis


Thea has an academic background in political science and a genuine and keen interest in both the broking and advisory sides of the CHC business. She is intelligent and analytical, and has developed a deep understanding of the risk environments and our broad field of work.

Thea is the backbone of the broking team and has a thorough appreciation of our clients’ needs and the sectors in which they operate. She is extremely competent and confident in her approach and is always prepared to go the extra mile and put in the hard graft, determined to do the right thing.  Thea handles all of our client accounts, preparing policy documents, dealing with technical queries, compliance issues and ensuring quality control checks have taken place. She is extremely adaptable and is always keen to learn new things.

Thea has been with CHC since 2018 and we look forward to watching her flourish as the business grows.

Previous experience and interests: Thea has a politics degree from the University of Exeter and prior to joining CHC completed internships at S-RM and Berry, Palmer and Lyle.

Image Coming Soon

Mike Paddock


Mike joined CHC Global in February 2022 working as an advisor on our Broking Team. He brings an extremely high level of professionalism to his role and has a very strong client focus combined with a practical and pragmatic approach to getting things done. Prior to joining CHC Global, Mike started his insurance career with the help of the Lloyd’s Military Network having completed the intern scheme; going onto work in project management, followed by account management and underwriting roles.

Previous experience and interests: Mike has a degree in International Relations from the University of Westminster focusing on international security and terrorism. Mike is also an Army Reservist, serving with 7 Rifles since 2010.

Group Services

Matthew Dawes

Matthew Dawes

Senior Partner & Chief Finance Officer

Mathew joined CHC Global in spring 2021 and plays a pivotal role as we scale-up and grow the business. He is transforming the day-to-day financial aspects of our company as well as leading on our strategic financial initiatives.

Matthew’s experience is broad, and he has a varied portfolio, from corporate leadership to managing a private investment office. His commercial expertise includes mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, change and transformation projects.

Matthew has a razor-sharp intelligence and an inquiring mind. The energy and enthusiasm he has for his work are infectious, he is always good humoured and open and honest in his approach. Matthew always takes time to listen to others, share experiences and ensure everyone understands and is on board with what he is doing.

Previous experience and interests:  Following a degree in Physics from the University of Oxford, Matthew initially started his career practicing Law at Freshfields. The finance world soon beckoned, however, and Matthew made the switch to a new career where he has held positions at Barclays Ventures and KPMG. Mathew is also an accomplished triathlete.

Adam Thomson

Adam Thomson

Senior Partner and Head of Commercial

Adam joined CHC Global in September 2021 and leads on the development and execution of our commercial business strategies. He brings a wealth of practical experience in business growth within UK domestic and international insurance, broking, consulting, and advisory services. With over 30 years’ experience, Adam is extremely well respected and recognised as a market leader. Since 2008, he has led the global transformation of how medical and security assistance services actively align with key risks and insurances to support his clients enterprise risk strategies. He is a master at orchestrating pragmatic, aligned and integrated solutions for multi-stakeholder initiatives in complex environments.

Adam has a warm, collaborative, and inclusive style and the enthusiasm he has for his work is infectious. He is consistent in his approach and always has the client at the heart of his decision making; he is a firm believer in the value of operational detail and robust process in order to ensure that outcomes match expectations.

Previous experience and interests: Adam has previously held roles at Bupa, Mercer Consulting and International SOS working with clients in over 40 countries. He is constantly looking to test and develop his skill sets within different geographies and cultures.

Catherine Johnstone

Catherine Johnstone

Partner & Head of Operations

Catherine is Head of Operations for CHC Global and is held in extremely high regard by her colleagues. She has over thirty years’ experience working within law enforcement, including  roles as a Public Order Commander, Firearms Commander and Hostage Negotiator. She has expertise in ethical and complex decision making, often in high-risk situations, which makes her an invaluable member of the CHC team.

Catherine is an accomplished programme and project manager and is experienced in planning, implementing, delivering and overseeing multi-faceted operations at a regional and national level. She will play a crucial role in facilitating the continued growth of CHC and allowing the business to realise its ambitious plans. Catherine brings a practical and positive approach to her work and has a laser focus on the detail, no stone is ever left unturned.

Previous experience and interests: Inclusion and diversity within the workplace have been key interests throughout Catherine’s career. She has held the chair of various women’s networks and has supported multi-agency regional gender groups at board level.

Jenny Robertson

Jenny Robertson

Partner & Head of Marketing

Jenny joined CHC Global in spring 2021 as the new Head of Marketing at a key inflection point for the business. Her wealth of experience and expertise in her field, enables Jenny to shape and oversee the development of the marketing, communications, and brand strategies for the business.

Jenny has a keen commercial outlook, a data-driven approach, and a strong creative flair. She has the expert-knowledge to develop insight-driven marketing strategies while at the same time has the hands-on experience to consistently deliver outstanding campaigns.

Jenny has worked with growing businesses for over 20 years, ranging from start-ups to multi-nationals and has experienced first-hand both the pitfalls and opportunities facing rapidly growing businesses. Jenny has a specific interest in brand experience and will be working closely with the expanded CHC team to ensure clients consistently experience the values and behaviours that make CHC unique.

Previous experience and interests: Jenny’s career spanned 18 years at Lloyd’s Banking Group where she held marketing positions across a number of commercial business units.  Following this she spent 7 years running her own marketing consultancies supporting growing businesses across the South West.

Yasar Rahman

Management Accountant

Yasar joined CHC Global in January 2022 supporting our Chief Finance Officer and Head of Operations with primary responsibility for the day-to-day financial aspects of our business.  Yasar thrives in fast-moving, high-growth environments, and has gained experience across a range of businesses and sectors; this experience sets him in good stead for ensuring our financial systems and processes run smoothly, our financial frameworks align with those of our clients, partners and suppliers and that we have great internal analytics to ensure we focus efforts and resource where they are most needed.

Previous experience and interests: Yasar has recently completed a professional apprenticeship in accountancy and a Level Four Diploma in Accounting from the Association of Accountancy Technicians (AAT).

CHC Board of Directors

Chris Holt sits on the CHC Board of Directors alongside:

Rupert Prichard OBE


Rupert is the Non-Executive Chairman of CHC Global and provides oversight to all lines of business. He has had a varied commercial career including construction and building services, recruitment, remote medical and logistics and risk management. He retired from the military in 1998 after 25 years’ service. He is the President of the SAS Regimental Association.

Charles Raw

Non-Executive Director

Charles is a Non-Executive Director of CHC Global. He is also the Chairman of London, North American (Re)insurance group Lockton Re.

Shyam Raikundalia

Non-Executive Director

Shyam is a Non-Executive Director of CHC Global. He is also an Executive Director of Davies Group, who provide the Financial Conduct Authority, Appointed Representative permissions to CHC.

Steve Harris

Non-Executive Investment Director

Steve is the CEO of Committed Capital, CHC Global’s corporate finance partner.

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